On March 28, 2016, an interactive session was held for the class XII pass out students who have already registered for JEE-2016. Though various attempts of invitations were done to the students, only few interested girls have attended the session. The session was found to be productive for them.
The facilitator started session by reminding importance of taking JEE-2016 seriously and highlighted the importance of JEE score to get admitted in IITs, IIITs, NITs, CFTIs, IIScs, etc in addition to consideration of the score by DoE, CTA scholarships as well as scholarships in private institutions. Meanwhile, the facilitator suggested to use the remaining days before the exams by solving the past years question papers with devotion of time for proper rest rather than studying new topics. He also suggested to use any of the resources available at the learning center. Importance of being proactive during the critical time of directing themselves properly to achieve what they wish to become was also discussed.The session was ended by sharing some tips and guidelines of taking admission of colleges in India.