The Technology based after school coaching was started from today at 2:30 pm after a brief discussion about timing, syllabus to cover and other issues. The first session was joined by two students namely Master Karma Sherab and Master Stanzin Khenrab. Former fellow wish to continue the coaching for the entire academic year. On the other hand, Master Stanzin Khenrab la wished to continue till the first terminal examination of the school. Other Avanti fellows discontinued the coaching in due of importance of senior secondary examination of CBSE, irrelevance of JEE in their career options and other reasons.
Ms Sonam Dolkar, Ms Stanzin Angmo and Ms Stanzin Zasel will be joining the two fellows in the following days.
The Technology Based After School JEE coaching for new students of class XI will be started once they are admitted to school in April, 2016
Ms Sonam Dolkar, Ms Stanzin Angmo and Ms Stanzin Zasel will be joining the two fellows in the following days.
The Technology Based After School JEE coaching for new students of class XI will be started once they are admitted to school in April, 2016